Gochujang Making Kit

This Gochujang kit product is one that lets you create your own gochujang, also known as Korean chili pepper paste. Gochujang is an healthy, traditional feremented food product of Korea that is made in combination of beans, rice yeast, chili pepper powder, salt and fermented herbs. What sets this kit aside from other gochujang in the market, however, is that this kit contains ingredients that are beneficial for your health, is not spicy, and that there are no chemicals or preservatives in any of the ingredients. This kit contains 180 grams of chili pepper powder, 45 grams of sea salt, 65 grams of fermented bean paste rice yeast powder, and 2 packets of 120 ml gochujang cooking syrup. And to prepare the gochujang, all you need to do is mix all the ingredients in the kit along with 300 ml of water, let it sit for one night, and it will become ready for consumption. There is no need to set aside extra time for fermentation in the way traditional gochujang would be prepared, making the preparation process simple and short. However, as mentioned previously, because there are no chemical preservatives within any of the ingredients, the finished gochujang product must be refrigerated after the one night of sitting out after its production. The finished gochujang is also missing the usual strong spice of regular gochujangs, which makes it favorable for children or the elderly, or anyone else who cannot tolerate spice. Not only can this kit provide a fun and new experience of creating your own gochujang, but it also acts as an inclusive option towards those who cannot consume the usual traditional spicy Korean gochujang.